Donation, Theatre, Comedy, The 400, The Guilded Age, Entertainment

It’s time to join The Teatro 400!

I wish you all the luck and fun and success in the world, and thank you.

Madeline Kahn as Mrs. White in Clue (1985)

These words are from a hand-written letter sent by the great actress/comedienne Madeline Kahn to 17-year-old Stewart Lemoine in response to a fan letter he sent her in 1977. In retrospect it’s easy to see this as a unique and timely blessing bestowed on TeatroLive!, the company Lemoine co-founded just five years later, and which has enjoyed all those things  - luck, success, and FUN - for over forty years and shared them freely with Edmonton’s theatregoers.

Like many Canadian small businesses who were required to suspend normal operations during the pandemic shutdowns of 2020 and 2021, TeatroLive! sought temporary relief through the federally administered CEBA (Canadian Emergency Business Account) loan program. The $60,000 we received allowed us to cover basic operational and staffing expenses over the course of the nearly two years when we had no access to our most basic revenue stream - subscription and single ticket sales. The understanding was that $20,000 of the loan would be forgiven as long as the balance was repaid by December 31, 2022, subsequently extended to December 31, 2023, and finally to January 18, 2024.

Friends, our loan is due, and we would very much like to pay the lower amount. Now, finding the extra funds to do this would certainly be a challenge for any small non-profit arts group, never mind one that’s gingerly negotiating the post-pandemic irregularities of attendance and engagement which have marked the last couple of seasons. While it’s certainly possible that we could access a secondary loan to pay off the first, it’s hardly the most appealing solution, what with the attendant interest charges, plus administration and legal fees. So we have a different solution and we think it’s a real Teatro corker because it involves bold choices and there’s party at the end.

It’s our hope that if just 400 individuals donated $100 each, this debt would disappear without incurring a single additional cost. All benefits would go to the donors, who would receive tax receipts, and membership in an exclusive group that we’re calling The Teatro 400. It’s a unique opportunity to be part of a group whose inclination is to greet a challenge with a smile and a handshake, before sitting it down and espousing the wonders of unconventional solution-finding. The Teatro 400 believe that a focus on seizing new creative opportunities and building new structures is what ought to be driving the company right now, and that the time has truly come to close the door firmly on the challenges of the past three years. The members of The Teatro 400 also enjoy a good whoop-up, so you can be certain that there’ll be an excellent celebratory event when we’ve met our goal and that all, yes, ALL OF THE 400 will be invited!

If you’re a regular Teatro donor and have recently contributed, please consider this as a request for a one-time top-up with a tangible and immediate result. If you’re not a regular arts donor, we ask you to make a singular exception, because unexpected choices are what ignite the narrative in all the best stories. And who wouldn’t want to be a part of one of those, presenting as they do an opportunity to enrich our culture by utilizing the unique platform that theatre provides for storytelling, creative expression, the exploration of diverse perspectives, and provoking boatloads of laughter.

I was recapturing the spirit of play - not the play of youth which is games (aggression under the restraint of rules), but the play of childhood which is all imagination, which improvises. I became light-headed. The spirit of play swept away the cynicism and indifference into which I had fallen. Moreover, a readiness for adventure reawoke in me - for risk, for intruding myself into the lives of others, for extracting fun from danger.
— Theophilous North by Thornton Wilder

Ways to give

For over four decades, the remarkable generosity of our donors has remained the driving force behind Teatro Live’s ability to craft unforgettable theatrical experiences. As a non-profit and registered charitable organization our ticket sales and donations make up well over 80% of our annual revenue. And thus, Teatro will always feel the positive impact from each one-time or monthly donation given to our organization. Every donation, regardless of its magnitude, carries immense significance in allaying our artist, production, and promotional expenses. By contributing today, you join the Teatro family in bringing the visions of Stewart Lemoine (our resident playwright), modern classics by world renowned playwrights, and new works by our ensemble of Edmonton artists to the Teatro Live! stage in Edmonton, AB.


Make a difference today!

Spread your love, and make recurring monthly donations! You can set it up and forget it! Provide consistent support to Teatro and help make a lasting difference month after month.

When you donate securities (stocks, mutual funds and bonds) directly to Teatro Live, capital gains tax is eliminated, allowing you to donate more. Or save your charitable tax credits for future tax returns within 5 years of the transaction.

A tribute donation is a heartfelt gesture that honours the memory or celebrates the life of a loved one, friend, or colleague by supporting a cause or organization meaningful to them, leaving a lasting impact while commemorating their legacy.


You can send us cash or a cheque for any amount to: Teatro la Quindicina, 10329 - 83 Avenue, Edmonton AB T6E 2C6

OR send us an e-transfer to


All donations over $20 dollars will receive a tax receipt for the full amount contributed and will be listed in our paper program available at each performance.

Registered Charity Number: 89141 4864 RP0001

We sincerely appreciate your invaluable support!

Teatro La Quindicina operates with the assistance of Alberta Community Development, Alberta Lotteries, The Alberta Foundation for the Arts, The Edmonton Arts Council, and The Edmonton Community Foundation. We are deeply appreciative for the support of these funding agencies. We also extend special thanks to Teatro’s graphic artist Peter Edwards at Dimensions Graphics.